Implement Giving Injection In Subcutan

                                 Implement Giving Injection In Subcutan 

1. Patient preparation 
1.1 Greetings therapeutic delivered to the client / family friendly upon meeting 
1.2 Plan of action described to the client / family understand 
1.3 Plan validated program back 
1.4 The need for tools and materials are identified
1.5 Readiness client be re-examined 
2. preparation tool 
2.1 Tools are prepared by complete 
- Tray and pengalas 
- Medicines required 
- Spit - Donald No. 25-27
- Cotton alcohol role in his place 
- Cutlery ampoules when needed
- Aqua bides - Handscoen sterile in its place
- Kaetu drugs notebook - Fabric has when needed 
- Air injection 
- Nierbeken 
- Sampiran when needed 
- Tools Vital sign 
2.2 tools are neatly 
3. Actions procedures
3.1 Nurses wash their hands and wear handscoen 
3.2 Check back order treatment include (patient name, drug name, drug dosage, time of   
      administration, route of administration) and prepare the room is drug treatment 

3.3 Check the medications and tools that will be used if it is still feasible to use 
3.4 If the drug is doing pengaplusan floured medicine into powder by adding aqua bides
      medication according to the instructions 

3.5. Unpack the syringe and syringe Tighten nald 
3.6. Clean the top of the medicine bottle (if the drug from the vial) with alcohol or break the  
       ampoule drugs, with the first kai has sawed, using saws ampoule (if the medications from
       vials and put garbage into nierbeken 

3.7 Remove the syringe and the needle should not touch
3.8 Insert the needle into the bottle or drugs aunpul, turn the bottle or ampoule abat, pull a
       vacuum to fill the syringe with the number of drugs that need

3.9 Change nald if the drug comes from the vial 
3.10 Remove air bubbles contained in the syringe
3.11 Put the telail syringes containing drugs diperlukatt kedalatn air injection 
3.12 Prepare necessary equipment dalatn tray and lift the patient 
3.13 Put sampiran if needed 
3.14 Decide yang.tepat injection area, avoid injecting the precise location of the edema,
         masses, tenderness, scarring, bruising, abrasions or infections 

3.15 Assist patients a comfortable position in accordance with local injection
3.16 With a circular motion, wipe the injection site with alcohol and let it dry sarnpai 
3.17 Plugs, needle skin down with an angle (45 °) to the surface of the skin 
3.18 Do aspiration, if there is blood in the syringe and the syringe lift if there is no blood in 
         the syringe, push the vacuum slowly until the syringe is empty. 

3.19 Pull back on the syringe rapidly from the injection
3.20 Former prick pressed with a cotton swab and alcohol do massage 
3.2L Spuit, alcohol and cotton have been used handscoen put in nierbeken 
3.22 Tidy up the patient and arrange a convenient position 
3.23 Equipment trimmed and returned to its place 
3.24 handscoen removed and nurses wash their hands
3.25 wrote on time, drug dosage and route of administrationadministration of drugs that  
         have been
given the drug card / note book

3.26 assess patients' responses to drugs that have been given after 15-30 minutes include
        blood pressure pulse and respiration

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